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(1 edit)

OK this game is honestly terrifying

took forever to download, but it was worth it


dave you can reply to my message on mr krussy 


Deleted 4 years ago

1. You could just close the screen doesn’t turn the game off I did that when I went to go to my friends house and 2 you most likely got way to close my advise is to do what I did get close to attack but not to close or you’ll lose a heart

just block manrays punch

The game is great. 

I have my gameplay included in this video:


dave what are the cheat codes for the game

hey dave how do i change resolution or play on low end pc and when is 32 bit coming out its tuesday and its not here yet


There are no resolution settings, I'm afraid. UE4 would auto adjust to your resolution, but the game doesn't support uncommon resolutions. This is something I plan on remedying as much as I can in the next patch coming this week. It was scheduled to come out today but due to more recent bug reports, I decided to reschedule it for Wednesday or sometime after depending on how things go.

ty so much dave cuz my pc is a low end pc ty so much


My PC can barely run 64 bit and even then it crashes frequently (its smth on my end dw). So will the 32 bit work better in terms of my PC?


Not 100% sure, but you can give it a try once it's out!

what're the songs that play in the deniis section, doodle patrick fight and the ending, with you know what happens to mr krabs

how can i fix the screen? whenever i do f11 or alt + enter nothing happens and i cant find any settings to change it

change resolution and can you also tell me what windows you use and how you downloaded it?

oh i just changed my windows resolution on windows and it works, i just gotta change it back after I'm done playing

how did you download it

There are no resolution settings, I'm afraid. UE4 would auto adjust to your resolution, but the game doesn't support uncommon resolutions. This is something I plan on remedying as much as I can in the next patch coming this week.

I've been wanting this game since 2019 man.I'm really happy that it finally came out but unfortunately I have download problems in and i've tried to download the game about 20 times but after waiting a whole day when it comes half way or so the download just gets forbidden.So I'm waiting for it to come out on gamejolt.

Okay so when i extracted it there is something called AtC_BB-Win64-Shipping and it says application and I think its the game honestly and it wont let me open it and I don't see a AtC_BB.exe I just see AtC_BB-Win64-Shipping which is the game for me.

Did you unzip the .rar folder? Once you do that, just double click the AtC_BB application and play! Be sure to follow the installation instructions on the game page to make sure you're doing everything correctly.

how do you unzip it?

please make a youtube video on how to install so when i extracted it it does not appear as a zip file

iM sorry if im stressing you out it’s just that im not really good with this kind of stuff

(2 edits) (+1)

 when i try to download it crashes about halfway (maybe because i am on laptop idk)

you need atleast 28gb

ok thx

(3 edits)

I don't think it's something you can fix, but sometimes, some characters are flashing on the screen. Like Patrick on the opening cutscene to Glove World, while he is eating. And, during the Left Glovey chase, he was nowhere to be found. I could still hear him walking tho. Sometimes, his model would render. Except he was giant! He disappears shortly after tho. Pink Jellyfish were also blinking on the screen, just like Patrick. It's like their models are loading and un-loading really fast. During the Maze segment, i tried to turn around 180°, and ended up turning around 360°. This makes everyhting confusing for some seconds sometimes. Left Glovey noticed that and took the advantage to kill me twice. It also takes almost a full minute (Sometimes two minutes) to load cutscenes or levels. Other than that, the game is running pretty well (As long as i keep everything on the lowest config.) I do think that this may be an issue with my PC tho. Sorry for broken english btw, not my mother language.

Dude, i had the same problem before, but i found a way to kinda fix it, you need to put the shadows on the option menu in medium or high, it maked my game a little bit more laggy, i hope it works for you

Aside from Glove World and Tentacle Acres being the tricky ones (so far.) This is a pretty phenomenal game, and it was definitely worth the wait.

when the game run fine but it crashes in a few seconds plz help

(1 edit)

I tried to play the game but I got 2/3 on the screen and there's no fullscreen option can you do that, please

also, it crashes when I'm in the menu screen

holy FUCK 2gb dude!!

Can you please try and make so we can play on mac please


This game is a masterpiece. Totally worth the wait.



guess what the final section doesnt even work for me(seriously it crashes my laptap)


i'v been wating for this game and it only shows me the files can you help me i wanted this game for so long

Oof, I'd recommend reading through the installation instructions on this game page if you need help getting the game up and running!

(1 edit)


I am in awe in how amazing this game is, it is one of the best fan-made games that I have ever played in a while. The story is good and filled with references from the original show. No kidding, I watched Spongebob since I was small and it was one of the first cartoons that I ever watched and I hold it very close to my heart, so I was squealing with excitement every time I knew a reference. 

Overall, 10/10 for me. I highly recommend this game. :)

Also, are you going to make a sequel to this game? This is such a good story and it deserves a good sequel to continue the story!

whenever it reaches 1.9 gigabytes it tells me forbidden error pls fix this

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

you need a file with alot of space

wdym by file?

Hi! I have been anticipating this game for the 2 years of you guys developing it. And I kind of have an issue with optimization which dosen't make the game unplayable but is SUPER ANNYOYING at times. I have an RX570 graphics card and an i5-10400f CPU on 8gb ram that can run most heavy games on medium graphics and not too heavy but not too light games on high. I don't know why but every now and then the game my character just decides to snap into a random direction like behind me or up or down at the floor, despite me not even moving my mouse the main reason it annoys me cause I get turned around at times and have no idea where I'm going cause it just snaps and it dosen't smoothly turn my head into a random direction. I hope you can fix the issue since its really ruining my experience. I don't know if any other people are experiencing the same issue but hope I can get an update that will stop this issue. Thanks in advance if you manage to fix it.


I saw a few people running into this. Not quite sure what could be causing it? Does it only happen once in awhile? Or only when you spawn in a new map.

(1 edit)

It happens at completely random times in the middle of the game. And quite often too. When my head isn't snapping to random directions it runs at a smooth frame rate.

That is definitely bizarre, I'm not sure what would cause the game to do that. I'll see if I can patch it at some point, though it'll be tricky since I can't seem to replicate the issue or know the exact cause. D:

With newer updates coming, will old saves be incompatible, forcing you to restart after every update?

Nah, future patches shouldn't affect your save files, I'd reckon.


i dont know how to change graphics to low please tell me.

In the options menu, you should be able to select lowest on each of the graphics settings.

i like the game but we need 32 bit game

A 32 Bit version is coming within the next few days!

would a 32 bit game run better?

Potentially? Not 100% sure.

Dave This Didn't Work On Gamejolt Because It Crashed The Game


Pretty much a AA game. This is super high quality stuff and THERE'S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER. Here's my playlist (because Dave wanted me to post it) - Don't dig in unless you want spoilies! But 101% of the game's completion will be up by tomorrow.

Thanks for making this, man. You and Padre kicked ass working on this thing.


Wait Micro Says Bad Words?.....God and I thought he was kid friendly...Just with all his horror games that are well designed and acts like a lunatics because...He's supposed to

I have never claimed to be kid friendly.

Around the clock at bikini bottom is an amazing game. I just got done playing glove world, 3451 anchor way and spongebobs pineapple. I love how everything looks and how everything is polished. And the animations are off the charts!!! This game is great and it deserves all the love it can get!!  It’s a real bummer that you can’t sell this though 😢. This game deserves to make money!! Your work has improved big time!! Keep up the good work Dave!  Can’t wait to play your other future projects 😁

omg am pump

I downloaded the game, and nothing seems to go wrong.

When im trying to click new game it does not load, neither after clicking options and slowing down the graphics.

(2 edits)

Bit of a late response, but someone found a temporary workaround for this extremely rare bug. If you delete your save file manually, the game should function normally the next time you boot it up. Has to do with the save file somehow getting corrupted.

To reach your save file manually, type %appdata% into your search bar and it'll take you to AppData\Roaming. Go backwards to Appdata and select the Local folder. In here you'll find your AtC_BB folder, go to Saved, Save Games and you'll find your game's .sav file. Move or delete the .sav file from there and it should create a new .sav file the next time you boot up the game. Lemme know if it works!

i want to window this game or even have a resolution screen so you can choose your resolution. i been waiting for this game to come out for 2 years and it doesn't even fit my monitor. I quit being a fan of this

Around the Clock very yes

(2 edits) (+1)

may i report the fact my game lags when it comes to looking around, about every ten seconds my game freezes for a second then when it unfreezes, i find myself looking in a random direction. this bug has gotten me killed by right glovey at least 5 time and its staring to get annoying. its not my computer which is causing the problem, its a really good computer. is there an explaination of why this is happening.

(2 edits)

Same issue here! Basically what happens is every now and then when I'm not even moving my mouse my head snaps into a random direction like up/down left or right. This is annoying for avoiding monsters and also cause it ruins my spatial awareness and I have no idea where Im going anymore if the map is mostly the same. I have an RX570 graphics card/i5-10400f CPU/8gb RAM. You should tell your specific specifications too so they can have more info on the bug.

You need a good pc because you have bad fps if that is so just turn down the graphics to low in settings and that should fix it.

i can't play this game my windows does not allow 1920x1080


me too!


i will never play this game ever again since I can't play because 

1.can't do more progess/first level bugged to not be played


actually until there is a choosing resolution screen I won't play 

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