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Why is the snow on Sandy's Treedome just fake, i just go through the snow and the path is invisible, how do i fix it?

Hey,At first the game was working fine, I was having a lot of fun with it and made it up to the krusty Krab but then, when I played the next day it didn’t save. I was quite annoyed but I thought it was just a one off thing so I just thought that I would simply start a new game but it just wouldn’t let me start a new game, it did the intro sequence jut fine but when I tried to start a new game the button simply wouldn’t work. I deleted it and then redownloaded it but the same problem. I even used a different application to extract the file but still it didn’t work, I know my pc can handle it because it worked beforehand. If anyone knows a solution to this problem it would be much appreciated because I was loving the game and would love to 100% it. I realise I am not getting my progress back I just want to start a new game. If anyone knows a solution it would be much appreciated thanks.

It's a bizarre rare bug that occurs for some users, mostly due to the save file somehow corrupting. Go to AppData\Local\AtC_BB\Saved\SaveGames and move the .sav file out of there, put it somewhere like your desktop, then start a newgame to create a new save game, quit, replace the new .sav file with your old one and it should function properly now. Hopefully this helps!

Thanks for the reply. When I move the corrupted .sav file out, the game does allow me to start a new game however, as soon as I but my old one back in again it just stops working again. Am I doing something wrong? But I am now able to start a new game which I will be happy to do.

Ah okay, I was hoping dropping it back in would work, wasn't 100% sure on that. But if you can at least start a new game then I'd just do that. Glad I could help tho!

(1 edit)

Appreciate it

where do i find that appdata local? im looking for it everywhere and i cant find it.

Type %appdata% in your search bar, you'll find the folder.

Don’t forget if you don’t see AppData click view and click hidden items and make sure it is checked and you should see AppData (sorry for stealing your thing dave)

(1 edit) (-2)

Dave! If you can read this, then you got to help me, You banned me from your discord because I posted a video of my school presentation, what I was trying to do was that I was trying to get the video online somewhere so that way I can show it to my teachers in class. This was not on purpose, I was supposed to post it somewhere other than discord. Im chrisopps802 on discord

Hey there, that was not the reason why you were banned from the discord server. You were banned for continuing to be very demandy towards me and other members of the server consistently for the past few months, will not listen nor understand whenever we told you to stop and continued to disrupt the peace of the server. Sorry dude, but a ban is a ban, hope ya understand.

Deleted 3 years ago

First off where the hell is your server

Will you put this game on steam? im just asking

Very close to the end of the game just did the Mermalair level


Are you using mac?

i dont know what is ,mac

(1 edit)


ok i extract but IT JUST DISAPER! and it puting my nerves at try.

can someone please make a video on how to download the game

Click the big button that says download, have winrar installed on your PC so you can right click the .rar and select extract, open the folder and play.

i shall u can go to my channel and watch a vid ill try to send u it but it might not work out:

tell me if u get it to download bt

that actualy a good idea i wnat a video too

ill do a vid later o


whenever i open the game it goes for 1 minute but then closes the game


when i try to extract it says windowsnoeditor cannot be extracted and that there is no space even tho there is

will not work

Ok Dave i wnat you to know that when i open my game is working very hard i will try to see if i can find a solution myself

whenever i open the game it goes for 1 minute but then closes the game

Cara, por mim a casa do Lula Molusco deveria estar como "intense" ao invés de "average". Uma das mais tensas do jogo junto com a da Senhora Puff. Ótimo trabalho! Gameplay em pt-br abaixo :)

Another episode down! I believe I'm around halfway done with the storyline, love this game!

PLS MAKE FOR MAC/ my username 


Not gonna spend hundreds of dollars for a Mac just to port a free game to it, lol. Just get a Windows PC, it's more efficient for gaming.

You could get an emulator for Mac. It's that easy.

(1 edit) (+1)

it won't work or open

tell me if you know how to fix it

I cant open it either!

Use Winrar or 7zip to unzip the .rar folder. If you're referring to the game not launching, unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that, may be a problem on your end. If you're getting any sort of error message or crash report, let me know and I may be able to help.

(1 edit)

i could not download it, whenever i clicked the fully ready file it just went all white and did not even have any sign of loading!!

how could i fix that?

Dave I still have one more question about something else you can answer to,I was thinking you can make around the clock 2 but you play as the bad guys instead,also sorry about spamming and will stop doing that.

he currently said he wasn’t making a sequel and besides I’m pretty sure playing as the bad guys is pointless 

Dave can you please make the game for mac


You can use a PC Emulator For Mac

(3 edits) (+1)

Dave microwave games please try to make a 32 bit version and I have I idea, Maybe you should put the game into part's like 2-4 parts so people that play your 32 bit games can play around the clock to.


Please refrain from spamming in the comments section, if I don't see your question, don't expect me to respond to it if you keep repeating it and pushing other legitimate comments down below.

A 32 bit version is no longer planned for release, the game is 100% complete, I can't fix any errors you may be encountering launching the game, sorry mate.

Ok, thanks

can you make it for mac PLEASE :<

can you make it for mac PLEASE :<

hey ik i am not dave but it will not happen

Also I have another idea for comment,get a better computer so you can play 64 bit version

But maybe some way to play on your current computer do,dave microwave games please tell me what to do?

i have a windows and its 64 bit but the game keeps shutting down for me after a minute

What Patrick doing to ma homie spongebob? Game was chill at first but took a crazy turn, this is my video on the first mission

So Gary Just Gone Sit Up There And Watch Me Get Haunted!? Wow... Lmao

Little bit blown away by how big this is. I've been going through the series, and this one's pretty awesome, especially with how much work clearly went into it. Great job, man!

Also 64 bit for krusty krab didn't work but once I switched to 32 bit it worked perfectly,so that's probably why.

Also all these comments are the same from yesterday but I did update some.

have a idea for this problem in a comment,How do i make the game to work? I load up the game and it just closes after about 30 second of opening. I though it was my RAM overloading, but I lowered and it still doesn't work. Can some one please help me?,it might be because 64 bit can't work on your computer and since dave microwave games can't do a 32 bit right now you might have to wait a while,that might be the reason but not for sure.

UPDATE: figure out how to play 3:00am at the krusty krab but can't figure out how to play more than like 30 seconds in around the clock at bikini bottom,so what should I do?

It happens a view seconds after I get in game.

Help me! A view seconds after 3:00am at the krusty krab it takes me out of the game and it happens on around the clock at bikini bottom to. What should I do?


Plz Put this Game on steam for free I can't download it plzit's my dream to play thi

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok so usually I would post a video of me playing the game but since I will be playing the game more than once I’m just gonna my playlist of the game. It is very creative and I love it I just love it they should make this an official Spongebob Squarepants game.

so uh I lost my save file for the game was deleted AND on top of that I can’t even start over because for whatever reason my menu is broken and won’t let me hit new game!!!!! This is the first time a game has made me this mad I just beat goofy goobers after a week and now I can’t even continue is this some kind of new bug in the game???

oh shit Dave didn’t reply it’s my time to shine

So what you have to do go to AppData In your file explorer and click Local Click AtC_BB and click Saved Click SaveGames and delete AroundSaveGame.sav

yay my youtube can get likes now

ktoś mi  powie jak zaainstalować toł grę??


Poprostu wypakuj, instalacja nie jest konieczna.

Cada vez que passo uma fase, esse jogo me surpreende mais. Quem diria que esse jogo teria uma mecânica de luta? Continuo com minha opinião de que este jogo é um dos mais divertidos que joguei da! Gameplay minha em PT-BR a baixo :)

is there assets

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