hey Dave if you ever think you have the time could you please bring back the 32 bit version so me and others with crappy computers can experience this great game
hi dave, im on windows 11, and everytime I go into the game to load it, its crashs. please give me any solutions. and by the way, where did you get this text? it looks very cool.
From what I've heard, on rare occasions Windows 11 seems to have compatibility issues with Unreal Engine games at the moment. One solution that's helped some folks with crashing issues is turning off your internet on your PC and then launching the game. If that doesn't work, I'm afraid I don't know what could be causing the game to crash, other than compatibility issues with Windows 11. D:
Hi Dave! How is It going? I have another problem with the Game and is that when un fighting with Patrick in his rock the Game justo start crashing slowly and then the Game stops and It taje me out how can i fix It?
Dave, Please help whenever I launch the game it will just crash at the beginning cutsene or at any cutsene in the game, it will also crash after around thirty seconds of idle please help!
Unfortunately I'm not sure what would be causing the game to crash there. One thing you can try is disconnecting from your internet and then launch the game. Apparently that's worked for a few folks.
Dave, help please. My sound for the game randomly stopped working. The optional intro you can listen to on the title screen works but no other sounds work, please help. ):
I would love to have added language support to Around the Clock, but unfortunately I am no longer updating the game with any new content. Perhaps future games of mine will support Spanish and many more languages if I can get the opportunity to do so.
I'm curious to think about how you did to make a game full of references to the series, including secrets or other things, or even sound effects, like jumping spongebob. It's a very well done project
Hi Dave! I know i ask so much sorry😔😔 but can you do the Game on android?because in mi pc is going at 2 fps and on my phone even un high graphics rins the Game at 60 fps please is the last i want i want to enjoy your creation i follow ir Since first demo came😔😔😭😭
It's possible your save file might've gotten corrupted. Go into your Appdata\Local\AtC_BB\Saved\SaveGames folder and delete the .sav file. After relaunching the game, it should create a fresh save file and hopefully fix the issue. You will unfortunately lose your progress if you had any, so if you want to back up your save file first before deleting in case this fix doesn't work, you can do so. But the game should function properly now after deleting your save manually and starting a newgame.
hey Dave I've tried downloading this game i have 4 gb of storage left but it still doesn't let me play saying not enough space on the disk and also do I need to have winrar to download this game?
Hey dave listen i love around the clock at bikni bottem heck i watch every youtuber play it and hoping i could play it but when i opened it with the instructions you left on this page and this is what happend eveerything was running smoothly intill after it said snowmistle studios it toke me to a dark screen and then it toke me to my desktop so i thing it crash if you could tell me how to open it i would be happy.ps:i am a big fan of your games and i really want to play this how you see this message thx.Cameronx
Okay, I'm back to say, that logging in to this game is hard and trash. Well I know your game is Awesome Dave, but I 100% want to play, Did I play, NO! two choices though, hack me in the game, Or I'll say your game is very...very...bad. I hope you're ashamed of yourself! just ####### log ME IN!
Because when I enter the game it says as if I have restarted everything (I just have to press new game) but it just does nothing when I touch it, and it just freezes
The only PROBLEM is that when im Extracting it something says ATB.WindowsNoEditor and then it takes soooo long to finish and then storage full. What's the POINT of"ATB.WindowsNoEditor??
hey, Dave? if it isn't too much of a hassle. if you have time could you do one of the three things? 1. try to find the error that doesn't let you play on windows 11 (I would if I knew how) 2. do a game remake. like, "Around the clock at bikini bottom Rehydrated/Resoaked" I'm not good with names. or 3, make a second game (if you're still up to it) and make it available for windows 11. sorry for the bad suggestions. I'm not sure how hard it is to make REAL games like this
i installed the game, but it says that one audio file is missing and reinstalling may help so... i reinstalled the game but it says the same thing. dave, please tell me, what should i do?!
I'm afraid I don't know what could be causing that to happen, since normally installing the game should come with everything and nothing missing. Sorry I can't be of much help!
Excuse Me Mr. Dave Microwave But, Whenever I Open The Game Up, I Get Nothing But A Black Screen For A Couple Of Minutes And Then It Just Crashes On Me, How Do I Fix This?
Not quite sure why that's happening. Do you happen to have the Oculus app (for the Oculus VR if you have one) installed on your PC? I heard it sometimes causes black screen issues for some users, so you could try uninstalling it and see if the game works. If not, try disconnecting from your internet before you launch the game and see if it works. If none of the above works, I'm afraid I don't know what else could be the issue, sorry!
Guys help plz, I'm on the final level and I died to the parasite worm in rock bottom, and now I'm stuck on the game over screen, basically the game thinks I'm still alive and I can still move and turn the clam cam on, so I can't move my mouse to press reload from last checkpoint. Plz help I don't wanna start all over again this level was rlly hard for me
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pls make it available for mac
hey Dave if you ever think you have the time could you please bring back the 32 bit version so me and others with crappy computers can experience this great game
hi dave, im on windows 11, and everytime I go into the game to load it, its crashs. please give me any solutions. and by the way, where did you get this text? it looks very cool.
From what I've heard, on rare occasions Windows 11 seems to have compatibility issues with Unreal Engine games at the moment. One solution that's helped some folks with crashing issues is turning off your internet on your PC and then launching the game. If that doesn't work, I'm afraid I don't know what could be causing the game to crash, other than compatibility issues with Windows 11. D:
this game is FUCKING badass!!!
I can’t Jeep going un the Game because in the first boss un Patrick rock It Crash please help😢:(
Dave, Please help whenever I launch the game it gets super laggy! How can I fix this? Thank you!
Hi Dave! How is It going? I have another problem with the Game and is that when un fighting with Patrick in his rock the Game justo start crashing slowly and then the Game stops and It taje me out how can i fix It?
Dave, Please help whenever I launch the game it will just crash at the beginning cutsene or at any cutsene in the game, it will also crash after around thirty seconds of idle please help!
Unfortunately I'm not sure what would be causing the game to crash there. One thing you can try is disconnecting from your internet and then launch the game. Apparently that's worked for a few folks.
Thank you very much it worked I cant wait to play it!
i also have that problem
Dave, help please. My sound for the game randomly stopped working. The optional intro you can listen to on the title screen works but no other sounds work, please help. ):
Nevermind. lol I just set my sound settings weirdly.
... How about this Dave. Show Step by Step to get me in once, cause i have a Struggle.
why hintclam video just black and nothing else
pls help dave
same thing happens to me
agan spanish
I would love to have added language support to Around the Clock, but unfortunately I am no longer updating the game with any new content. Perhaps future games of mine will support Spanish and many more languages if I can get the opportunity to do so.
I'm curious to think about how you did to make a game full of references to the series, including secrets or other things, or even sound effects, like jumping spongebob. It's a very well done project
Hi Dave! I know i ask so much sorry😔😔 but can you do the Game on android?because in mi pc is going at 2 fps and on my phone even un high graphics rins the Game at 60 fps please is the last i want i want to enjoy your creation i follow ir Since first demo came😔😔😭😭
Hi Dave,i have a problem with the Game,and is that whem i e.tet in the Game It doesn’t let me play It i press new Game and nothing happens please help
It's possible your save file might've gotten corrupted. Go into your Appdata\Local\AtC_BB\Saved\SaveGames folder and delete the .sav file. After relaunching the game, it should create a fresh save file and hopefully fix the issue. You will unfortunately lose your progress if you had any, so if you want to back up your save file first before deleting in case this fix doesn't work, you can do so. But the game should function properly now after deleting your save manually and starting a newgame.
Thanks you so much!! You are a legal man im going to follow all your games
it says i cant open the game on day 2 of playing this game
you know how to fix it dave?
Is it giving you any sort of error message or crash report when opening the application? I need more details to help!
yea it says return 2 on the end
dave said he's completely done working on the game
hey Dave I've tried downloading this game i have 4 gb of storage left but it still doesn't let me play saying not enough space on the disk and also do I need to have winrar to download this game?
Hey dave listen i love around the clock at bikni bottem heck i watch every youtuber play it and hoping i could play it but when i opened it with the instructions you left on this page and this is what happend eveerything was running smoothly intill after it said snowmistle studios it toke me to a dark screen and then it toke me to my desktop so i thing it crash if you could tell me how to open it i would be happy.ps:i am a big fan of your games and i really want to play this how you see this message thx.Cameronx
this game is cool but i download in 2021 and now i download it
Lovely game. My favorite level is 3541 Anchor Way. Thank you Dave for this awesome game!
Dave I’d love to play your game but I can’t download it it’s too complicated maybe a step by step tutorial
Okay, I'm back to say, that logging in to this game is hard and trash. Well I know your game is Awesome Dave, but I 100% want to play, Did I play, NO! two choices though, hack me in the game, Or I'll say your game is very...very...bad. I hope you're ashamed of yourself! just ####### log ME IN!
This game is as if Nickelodeon attempted to make a spongebob horror game and I love it.
Because when I enter the game it says as if I have restarted everything (I just have to press new game) but it just does nothing when I touch it, and it just freezes
dave please can you put version 1.0.0 too because when it reachs my download 2.7go it failled downloading PLEASE
The only PROBLEM is that when im Extracting it something says ATB.WindowsNoEditor and then it takes soooo long to finish and then storage full. What's the POINT of"ATB.WindowsNoEditor??
yeah i have the same problem ive been trying to find out why it does that
Hello Dave, May I make an unofficial sequel for this game? I've been planning this since july 2021
Of course! It's always cool to see what kinda fangames folks will make.
Thank you so much! The sequel will be about "Jumping Through Universes", and not a game. I'll try to draw a comic
hey, Dave? if it isn't too much of a hassle. if you have time could you do one of the three things? 1. try to find the error that doesn't let you play on windows 11 (I would if I knew how) 2. do a game remake. like, "Around the clock at bikini bottom Rehydrated/Resoaked" I'm not good with names. or 3, make a second game (if you're still up to it) and make it available for windows 11. sorry for the bad suggestions. I'm not sure how hard it is to make REAL games like this
i installed the game, but it says that one audio file is missing and reinstalling may help so... i reinstalled the game but it says the same thing. dave, please tell me, what should i do?!
I'm afraid I don't know what could be causing that to happen, since normally installing the game should come with everything and nothing missing. Sorry I can't be of much help!
Excuse Me Mr. Dave Microwave But, Whenever I Open The Game Up, I Get Nothing But A Black Screen For A Couple Of Minutes And Then It Just Crashes On Me, How Do I Fix This?
Not quite sure why that's happening. Do you happen to have the Oculus app (for the Oculus VR if you have one) installed on your PC? I heard it sometimes causes black screen issues for some users, so you could try uninstalling it and see if the game works. If not, try disconnecting from your internet before you launch the game and see if it works. If none of the above works, I'm afraid I don't know what else could be the issue, sorry!
I Don't Have The Oculus App Installed, So I'll Try To Play It Without The Internet, Also This Happens With You're Other Games Too.
mines too but I solved the problem by downloading it 32 bit
hope that helps for you
Guys help plz, I'm on the final level and I died to the parasite worm in rock bottom, and now I'm stuck on the game over screen, basically the game thinks I'm still alive and I can still move and turn the clam cam on, so I can't move my mouse to press reload from last checkpoint. Plz help I don't wanna start all over again this level was rlly hard for me
The game crashes when opened, how can I bypass this?
yes the game crashes on my pc too
You have to play without internet
no you don’t just play on 32 bit
Help after some time of playing the game it closes. and no i am not getting jumpscared.
will there ever be a 32 bit version of this game
Nope! It says on the recommended it requires a 64 bit
The invisible enemies bug is a real shame. it makes the game almost completely impossible because i have no way of knowing where the enemies are.
Have you checked the minimum requirements?