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Since you made this game, maybe you can make a game called a nightmare on sesame street where the characters can be: Elmo

Grover, Cookie Monster, and Oscar. 





I tried turning off the internet connection as an option cuz one of my mobile games when I was younger had that same thing, kept crashing until i disconnect from my wifi on my phone

i guess i can try redownloading it dave

hope it works

From what someone said in the comments earlier, apparently turning off your wifi on your laptop/PC and then playing the game prevents the game from crashing? I'd give it a shot if redownloading it doesn't work.


Yall i found out how to fix the crashing thing, turn off you're wifi on ur laptop or pc and play the game it worked for me so i hope it works for you, have fun playing

nice game!!

i tryed it i didnt work

the app data thing


(1 edit)

That fix is meant for corrupted save files, not crashing. If your game is crashing, I'm afraid I don't know what's causing it, especially if there's no error message or crash report for me to go off of, sorry dude.

i got rid of the save file like 3 times :(

(2 edits)

im on windows 10

could you please do a 32 bit dave pls?

All my progress got deleted and when I try to play the game again, clicking the new game button doesn't do anything. Clicking continue brings me to level select but nothing works there. I'm not quite sure, but I feel like that wasn't intended.

It might be that your save file somehow got corrupted. Go into your Appdata\Local\AtC_BB\Saved\SaveGames folder and delete the .sav file. After relaunching the game, it should create a fresh save file and hopefully fix the issue. You will unfortunately lose your progress, but the game should function properly now.

it didnt work :( >:(

Thank you so much. Great game by the way.

When I open the game for like 1minute it crashes and am on laptop.

Does the game not support windows 11?

For the most part, it seems the game crashes for a lot of Windows 11 users. From what I heard, the OS isn't 100% compatible with UE4 games yet.

yo dave can windows 10 laptop handle this?

hey dave

can you tell me why it wont work


i havent play even 5 seconds of the totoriel

it took me like 20 try just to play the tutoriel for just like a second


i dont know how to fix it ive just only play like a second of the tutoriel

even though i havent played the game

it just keeps chrashing after 1 miniute

Are you using Windows 11? Did you get any sort of crash report or error message? I can't really help if you're not providing much information to go off of.

idk how to do that

well i hope ir works tommorow


When i open the game it keeps crashing and i just downloaded it today :(


Error, says: The execution of code can't continue because can't find the file: X3DAudio1_7.dll

After a quick Google search, it's saying you have to run the DirectX run-time package to resolve the issue. If that doesn't work, see if redownloading the game helps.

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

i downloaded the file, and now i can play Atc_BB

you will launch a dll o a update of ATC_BB

Error, says: not found AN adio file

Cloud you please do a .zip version cause for some reason i cant open .rar files :D


Around the Clock is too big to be zipped, the game was compressed into a .rar to save space. I'd recommend downloading 7zip or winrar to unzip the .rar file.

can you help me?

ok!Alo i downloaded win.rar game is hard but VERY COOL!

oh also im from poland my other acount is and i wanted to have acces to make polish version of game:>

Dear dave i have problem with game. The game crashes every time when im playing it. I have the DELL laptop and windows 11 i folowed instructions and ,,shazam" dont. Work can ya help?

Unfortunately Windows 11 isn't 100% compatible with UE4 games, so games like Around the Clock are prone to crashing on start up. I'm afraid there isn't much I can do.

(3 edits)

No i have windows 10 pro and no when i am going to lunch the game is going to intro and then ather 15 Seconds it juts kicks me without a error message or report massage

Are you using Windows 11? Did you get any sort of crash report or error message? I can't really help if you're not providing much information to go off of.

(1 edit)

and my card graphics is intel graphics uhd 630 :/

(1 edit)

I'm afraid there isn't much I can do to help then, no clue why it's crashing if there isn't an error message. Can only assume it has something to do with your PC but I don't know what, sorry man.

dave see the massage

(1 edit)

The Game Keeps Crashing. I Don't Know Why (I'm Playing on V1.1.0).I feel like the game is crashing on a specific time. I also turned down all the settings to the lowest. I'm on windows 10. And my computer is fine with free roam games. 

I just realized that my game didnt showed me the tutorial and far as I know it should play a cutscene in the start of the tutorial which it didn't. 

Apart from the crashing which I can't really help with if I don't have a crash report to go off of, it might be your save file somehow getting corrupted. Go into your Appdata\Local\AtC_BB\Saved\SaveGames folder and delete the .sav file. After rebooting the game, it should create a fresh save file and hopefully fix the issue with the tutorial and newgame not working properly.


Yes I did it and worked. Thank you, well I'm kind of sad that crashing problem didn't stop. Anyway It is good to see that you are still helping people .  

i cant lunch the game it crash after 1 sec it crash

Can you provide a crash report? If there is none, what OS are you using? If you're using Windows 11, UE4 games aren't 100% supported on that OS yet as far as I'm aware and are prone to crashing.

Error, says: The execution of code can't continue because can't find the file: X3DAudio1_7.dll

bruh im on pc windoes 11 on preoator pc 

Hey can I please get some help my game keeps crashing after about a minute or minute in a half and I can't play

Can you provide a crash report? If there is none, what OS are you using? If you're using Windows 11, UE4 games aren't 100% supported on that OS yet as far as I'm aware and are prone to crashing.

but my friend has window 11 and can play in perfectly

Maybe some Windows 11 PCs don't run into that issue? Tbh I'm not 100% sure, it's just something I read online a few months back with UE4 games crashing often on Windows 11 PCs, but it may just be the game simply crashing on your PC for some unknown reason.

Deleted 2 years ago

why 2 GB why not 102 MB

(1 edit)


A game's size is determined by the engine used and the amount of content in the game, and in Around the Clock's case, it ended up being 2GB+ because of how big the project ended up being. Nothing I can do about that.


im new hello


Hey, I'm having problems with the game. I launch the game, then after maybe a minute it randomly crashes. I cannot get past the tutorial level, would you happen to know a fix?

(1 edit)

I am also having the same problem


me too and I don't get the next levels like I finish all levels at 10 pm and I don't get the next one.


i nead help

Really amazing game but holy crap I cannot with the bathroom window in the krusty krab lol

I need help I did the first 5 levels but the next one is don't show up Idk what to do !

Are you referring to beating GloveWorld and the home levels? Tentacle Acres and BargnMart should show up. If you mean you beat The Krusty Krab and Industrial Park, you need to complete Krusty Krabs' second difficulty to unlock the Good Noodle Star for Larry's Gym to appear on the map.

no, i beat GloveWorld,Mr Krabs, SpongeBob,Patrick, and Squidward house and i don't get the next levels idk why.

I've never heard of that happening before. Could always try starting a newgame and see if that helps.

no i try this and is not working i try a cheat code to see if the levels worc and yes they work 

idk what is the problem

and after I close the game and open it again it gives me an error and I need to close my computer to work again!

wow that was really cool

wow that was really cool

my game keeps crashing help

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