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This game is mega cool and thanks to added cheats
You can invite me to discord server? Please

Operation: Big Fat Manie XDDDD

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

(warning to those who want to read this that aren't the dev's. Some spoilers bellow if you havent played or beaten it yet. You have been warned)

It was exciting when it came out but as the game progresses it gets really, really REALLY hard especially when it comes to getting the good noodle stars. It's IMPOSSIBLE! Levels like the industrial park or sandy's treedome is impossible to do without dying. With the mermalairs bugs it's impossible to do without dying once due to the glitches with the boss fight. But im always dying before I can even attempt due to the difficulty of getting around the traps,mermaid man,barnacle boy and jelians. I have no idea how anyone is supposed to do these levels without dying. The game also hits you hard with the difficulty early in the game. I struggled so much with spongebob's pineapple because of doodle patrick. The way he moves makes him unpredictable. You can be walking past one of his spots and can suddenly appear there without warning and kill you. I got the good noodle star on that one from what im gonna say was out of luck. Patricks rock is impossible to do without dying. The cannons are unpredictable and found myself dying to those multiple times. The challenges we are expected to do makes getting the secret ending impossible due to the insane amount of difficulty. I only managed to get good noodle stars on the easier ones. But tentacle acres I cant find a single thing. I cant find the golden spatula and I can't find the goofy goober token. I hate cheating so im not gonna look up where to find them in these levels. The levels I also struggle with to find any items on is mermalair (due to the handful of things chasing and trying to kill you with no way to break the chase),glove world (difficult to look for ALL those things without dying once in the maze it's possible but I can tell you'll just need luck, industrial park (same issue, cant find them and cant search and not die at the same time),struggling with larry's gym, Ms puffs boating school (its impossible to look around without being spotted by the lighthouse and Ms puff is really hard to avoid. I died so many times and only beat it out of luck.)  and so on. If I were to sum up this games difficulty it would be tough cause there's no difficulty over hard or legendary except impossible. Is it beatable? Well yeah but it's REALLY hard on some levels like spongebobs pineapple and sandy's treedome but can you 100%? With the difficulty of these challenges that you're expected to do on their given levels? Impossible. The challenges don't work on the levels they are given. I found doing spongebobs pineapple under three minutes to be difficult for a while. Sandy's treedome is 99.9% impossible to do without dying. It has a 00.1% chance because im sure someone in testing had to of somehow managed to do it. Beating sandy's treedome was difficult on it's own and due to how hard it was I almost gave up on the game but the fact I had to look through the snow, blind AND keeping an eye out for a robot that'll guarantee and immediate game over is hard enough. Apparently during a stream im told where to get the goofy goober token but I can't get it and avoid the robot at the same time, its bad enough it has a digging ability that makes him almost impossible to avoid due to difference in your speed and his.  I've just about given up on trying to complete the game. It's TOO. HARD. I like the game but I just wish the difficulty wasn't so hard. I found myself getting frustrated on almost every level. But at least it delivers in the fear factor. Dave's games almost always delivers and makes them good horror games. But this game complicates things. I love a good horror game but frustrating difficulty ruins the experience. Take Alien isolation for example, it's so hard I found myself getting less scared and more frustrated. Instead of being afraid of the alien I was frustrated with it due to it's unpredictable AI. However with this game while it delivers on the scares there is alot of things with it that makes it as frustrating as it is scary. I almost did goo lagoon if it werent for me getting stuck during the dennis chase. I'm not fond of the without dying challenge. It's fine on some but they shouldn't be on the extremely hard ones at all. Im aware Dave knew how insane the sandy treedome level was so it shouldnt be on that one. The industrial park is literally impossible to do without dying. Planktons attacks are almost unpredictable and I cant dodge everything and shoot at the same time while he's constantly attack. He even has an unavoidable move! Im assuming it's a glitch cause even while ducking he still hits me. I cant do it without dying at least once. I died multiple times on my first playthrough. The golden spatula and other stuff you need to find in tentacle acres should be made easier to find or at least easier to guess where everything is. I played through it again on a livestream and throughout the entire playthrough of the level I havent found a single thing. I looked all over and interacted with stuff in the security office and found absolutely nothing so I gave up on that level.

I just find difficulty to be a mood killer for horror games. If you find yourself getting more frustrated than scared then it ruins it. It stopped me from being scared of alien isolation and I pretty much gave up on that game years ago but started playing it again recently when I got it for xbox one hopeing the faster load time will make things easier. But in this game it's just impossible to do any of the challenges and is so hard it's infuriating. All I did was get angry in every episode and every livestream. Sure I got scared a bit here and there but I was too busy being angry I didn't get scared. I only got scared when I was close to finally winning and I didnt want to die like on spongebobs pineapple. That is scary when you almost beat it and you dont want to die cause you'll start over. The creature you're running from should be scary, not the fact of restarting. I wanted to like this game more but the fact some levels are insanely hard kinda ruin the experience for me. Good ending though, some levels were fun, mainly mr krabs house and the barg N mart but that's about it. I just found every level to be stressful and irritating and less fun. Although goofy goobers was so terrifying I almost ended the playthrough out of fear. 

All and all this game does deliver on the horror but you'll find yourself more angry than terrified.

But the quality,the fun levels I mentioned and ending does redeem it to a degree.

I give it a 4 or 5 out of 10. Be fun, be scary, just don't be frustratingly difficult. Anger can ruin any horror game experience.


Here are some tips for some Levels:

In Patricks Rock wait till the canons were shooting. You can stop a little bit before the second canon but when it is shooting, JUmp because the boxes are falling into the void. The goofy goober token is in a trash can in the sand maze (where only Patrick Prowler is chasing you.

In Tentacle Acres there is a place before you go into the security Room. There are sleeping Tentacles. Sneak behind them and get the Spatula. The goofy goober token is in the mailbox you can find before entering the Gardens (So where you begin)

In Mrs. Puff school, you can hide on the toilets (SHe sometimes goes into them), behind a box in the room leading into a room where you can hide behind seeweed.

In the Industrial Park, Plankton will in his first phase shoot one laser beam, crouch and shoot at him. Some jelliens will spawn. Just kill them. In his second phase he will throw boatmobil's at you. Just run around in a circle and shoot at him. Look out for some jelliens. In his last phase, he will shoot a laser. crouch again but keep shooting. Don't hestitate when he is shooting the laser because he can't shoot the boats during the laser.

A good tip is (like I did it in Goofy Goobers) learn the maps. Know where you can escape. Draw them on a piece of paper.

Have fun playing



Patricks rock: well I never would of guessed to look in a trashcan while im chased by a giant killer patrick clone.... I wish I knew props can be searched

Tentacle Acres: Wait there was??? I never saw anything sleeping! I never would of thought to look around before going in! Also a mailbox?! Again I never considered interacting with props...

Mrs. Puff school: I already knew about those hiding spots. It's the timing and the routes she takes. It's all just luck. I was lucky to win the first time.

The game is just so difficult. I dont know if I can do this. So many of the levels get so difficult really quickly...kinda takes the fun out of it and just makes me feel disappointed

So in Glove World, what I do is just Look up the nearest Krabby Patty or Conch shell room. I have drawn a line for a Route where you can find the conch and the patty with the a Route where i have the least Problem. Follow the line. As soon as you get the Krabby Patty, just run into the conch rooms. If you have already got the shell, then just run into spongebobs room.

Squidwards Monument is pretty easy if you know Lennys Route. (Before taking the stairs, click on the TV because the goofy goober Token is there) It doesn't matter if you take the elevator or the Stars. He will always spawn in the Kitchen. So while he spawns run into every room where the bold an brash painting can spawn

(In the Studio where Lenny can't go, in the closet in the upper halway or in his bathroom)

Then run out of his house and put the painting into the boat mobile, then run into the house and make Sure big lenny isn't coming. Then go up the stairs. There is a Chance that the squilliam painting is there, if not, it can be in the dark halway between the sleeping room and the bathroom, or in his sleeping room. Then take the elevator if possible because you can't run with it. Then put it into the boat. 

Then take the elevator and search for the clarinet. It can be in the Bath room, in his Studio or it is in the room, in the sleeping room. Then le Big Lenny see you going into the elevator. Wait until he comes down and let him see you ride the elevator up. He will now come up and you need to wait a second before you can ride the elevator down again. Get to the boat, put the clarinet in and go into the house. 

Run up the stairs and run into the Studio. Take the Statue and go down the Studio stairs, shut the doors and shut flashlight down. You can see lenny's Red light through. If he goes into the sleeping room, get to the door and end the level


the game when starting it goes well, but when starting the first mission in the globe world, the game gets corrupted and I can't play, any help to know what's wrong?


Can't even play the game when I run it crashes at the menu man :/ I've waited 3 years 


My game keeps crashing please assist me.


My game keeps crashing when i open it after you see the 2 snow bizzle studios and dave microwaves games part


Did you get an error message or any sort of crash report after the game crashed? Are you using Windows 11?


That's right I playing around the clock :)

dave please please please please please please can i have AtC_BB for 500 MB? please :( because i have 1.34 GB please :(

Same problem

Unironically one of the best games I've ever played.

(1 edit) (+1)

man i cant download this game it downloads half and it says that failed-forbidden please help!

Do you have enough space on your computer?



will there ever be a 32 bit downloadable game of this anytime soon ?

im trying to play atc FOR SO LONG and i cant, half year trying to play this, its just not possible, i cant find a way to fix a certain bug that makes me not able do play the damn game.

Basically, not only lagging a bit, when i press the "Start Game" Button, The continue button in transparent (as it should be because i dont have a save) but when i press the new game button, NOTHING HAPPENS!! LITERALLY NOTHING!!!!!!! And when i press the "Continue" Button i am brought to the map, where i cant press anything, and then the game just crashes. Help me dave, or padre, ANYONE!.


A possible fix for this is if you go to your AppData\Local\AtC_BB\Saved\SaveGames folder and delete your .sav file manually, it'll usually start functioning normally again. If you don't have a .sav file to delete, then I'm not quite sure why that bug's happening to you? Usually only occurs if the save file gets corrupted, but I rarely ever see it happen in any other case, my apologies in advance if this fix doesn't work for you.

When are you ever gonna fix the bug in the final level, man?

The Bug: If you skip the dialog after beating Doodle Patrick, it sends you all the way back to the title screen.

(1 edit)

There are some bug fixes and changes I would like to do at some point, but haven't found the time to get around to doing.

Started a few weeks ago: the beginning of the game no longer allows us to select New Game. The Continue Game selection is grayed out, but we can select it and it takes us to the map. On the map we can't select anything, so we can no longer play. Not sure how to fix this, we've played this game for months, no issues like this. Love the game, but now we can't play it and I'm not sure why. Uninstalled the game, reinstalled and the same issue. Any help?

Ah yikes, your save file might've gotten corrupted somehow. A few folks have run into this in the past, if you go to your AppData\Local\AtC_BB\Saved\SaveGames folder and delete your .sav file manually, it should fix the issue but unfortunately you'll have to start the game over from the beginning. It should automatically create a new save file upon booting it back up and it should function as it usually does. Lemme know if that fixes the issue for ya.

We tried it, but it didn't fix the issue. Is there anything else we could try?

(1 edit)

Hmm, unfortunately I don't know what else could be causing the issue other than the save file. Really sorry I can't help ya out. D:

can you please post a tut on how to download idk how to

In case you haven't noticed. There's an Instruction on how to install the game, it's right on this page. :)

i woce samin :)

that's sad :(


because his a youtubeer

Who does TheGameSalmon act in the game?

(1 edit)

By a file to extract it to do you mean like a file we can make, or like any file a WinRAR, or just a random file?

(2 edits)

Hi, I think there are lots of people with this problem, "My game crashes on 1 minute", so tried to find a solution, and I found one. The solution is turning off the internet(wi-fi). There will be some people would not believe, but it actually worked for me. Please try it and see it works. This would work for other games that has the same problem.

Deleted 2 years ago

the same thing happened to me but even trying what you said did not help

That's weird. Are you sure you turned off the wifi? If you did I can't help you anymore, sorry. :(

I downloaded this game today and I was able to play normally but after restarting when I click new game nothing happens, and when I click continue the map opens and after about 20 seconds the game turns off. Help?



my game crashes even secindes later i run the game its just me or i have to download somenthing appart the drivers i van´t even play the tutorial at the begining is ok but then puff

Might be your PC? If it's a lower end computer or laptop, you might run into unexpected issues like that.

what’s the minimal computer specs to play this game?  Thank you.

i use a laptop that is more a toaster, thanks

Hi I really need help that when I try to play the game it crashes after exactly 1 minute. Everything is completely fine except this. I'm currently on laptop, does anybody have solutions? Please, I REALLY want to play this game

I am having exactly the same problem.  Not sure what to do.  Hope to get some help from this community. Thanks.

What is your PC's OS? Are you using a lower end PC or a laptop? I heard Windows 11 doesn't support Unreal Engine games atm and lower end PCs usually run into unexpected issues like crashing and the sort. Sorry I can't really be much help, but when it comes to crashes, if I don't get any sort of information or crash report, this isn't much I can do!

(1 edit)

It's Windows 10, and it's not THAT low pc, it's enough to run this game, but still somehow it crashes :(

mine crashed too, after 1 minute. I have windows 11, 16Gb ram, Gforced graphic card.  I thought it would be enough power for this game.

Hi, I just found a solution, and this is the most weirdest solution I have seen, turning off the internet. Not a Joke, it worked for me.

@MineYT8 Wow uhhhh, I mean if it works it works, lol.

@LT74 Yeah, Windows 11 doesn't support Unreal Engine games yet from what I heard. So you'll run into crashing issues like that.


thank you.  I tried it and it worked indeed! Amazing! Whatever it takes to play this game right? :) 

Will there be any more updates or bug fixes or have you finished working on this game

The game's completely done. I *would* like to go back and release a patch someday, but considering how obnoxious it is to work in this project and packaging and releasing a build taking almost the entire day, I've been so demotivated from doing anymore work on it, lol.

hey dave i have to ask a question when i try to runt the game it just doesent turn on i think its because i use windows 11

Yeah, unfortunately Windows 11 doesn't support most Unreal Engine games from what I heard. Only time will tell when they'll release an update for the OS that fixes that issue.

oh thanks its ok

Hey Dave I'm having a problem with Goo Lagoon. I've been playing through without any problems until Weenie Hut Jr's, where the game crashes upon entering through the vent. The only possible way to fix this I see is restarting the entire game.

Deleted 1 year ago

Ask away.

Deleted 2 years ago

Yeah, it isn't exactly something I can answer persay. But I'd recommend using the Ai move to node (make sure on pawn it reference's to the AI's self) to command it to go to certain coordinates, and on success or fail it can move to the next AI move to, etc.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 2 years ago

I don't plan on updating Around the Clock anytime soon, however there are a few fixes I would like to do in the future if/when I have the time. 1. I don't plan on adding a restart checkpoint button due to the way the game's designed, it makes it easier to cheese the no-death challenge. 2. Difficulty settings aren't a thing I'd add since the level difficulty is there just to determine how hard a level is, not in terms of values but the way I designed the level in general. 3. Optimization is something I wanna look at more but can't guarantee since I've done most of what I'm capable of doing. I was able to get the game to run at a consistent 50-60+ fps throughout the game on my decent rig so it can be difficult for me to optimize perfectly for older machines.

This is the best Fangame ever. Also, I found this game by watching YT. But, I don't know what are computer requirements for the game?

Was it Phantom Strider? thats where I heard of the game lmfao

First: The Polish Youtuber... 

fgteev played this game :)

Hello Dave. I have a question when I lunch the game it doesn't cover the monitor and a bit is cut off. Is there a way to fix that and if there isn't could you add a windowed mode option and a fullscreen or covering monitors correctly? Thanks

It might be that the game doesn't support your monitor's resolution. The only temporary fix that's available at the moment is by going to your computer's display settings and choosing the 1920x1080 resolution. If I ever go back to update this game (which I've been reluctant about cause it's such a pain to work with this project, LOL) I'll definitely add a windowed/fullscreen mode. Sorry about the inconvenience!

(1 edit)

Its fine if you don't update it but thanks for considering it.And thanks for making the game because I had fun watching other youtubers play it and overall its a masterpiece.

Can anybody help me because in Sandys Treedom, the snow is to high and I can't see anything. 

can you make this a web game because i have crap pc that downloads will not work especially when it comes to ur games dave

Quick question Dave:

Are you releasing Scooby Horror: Arcade on or Patreon?


Itchio and Gamejolt, cause the game is a free parody/fangame.

does scooby horror arcade means that we will be able to create our own game just like in our savior recorn culted arcade mode 

it has to be on itch io and game jolt and u cant pay it because is based on a cartoon not Daves actual game will it is his game but he cant make you pay for it because warner bros owns it and they would sue dave for it

when is the 32 bit coming back out ? my pc cant run the 64 bit well :((

(1 edit)

This is one of the best Games I've ever played but I can not beat the dirty bubble. When he gets red he blows to long and I always fly of the map and I am dying. Could someone maybe tell me how to beat him :)

It's a risky strategy, but what I do is keep moving to my left or right, and it almost always works.

Thanks for helping me

This game is real gold, it would be crazy if they ported it to ps4, switch, xbox one, they plan to make a port to consoles?? (although of course, this is the copyright problem, since the game is pure spongebob characters and Nickelodeon does not I would like a great competition)

Deleted 1 year ago

Not sure why that's happening? Only thing I can think of is deleting the save file manually by going to your AppData\Local\AtC_BB\Saved\SaveGames and deleting the .sav file.

Deleted 1 year ago

Yeah, unfortunately. D:

hi dave can you make a zipped folder please?

if you can't i am sorry for disturbing you.

Hi Dave, I don't know why but when I downloaded Around the Clock, the title screen shows New Game and Continue (In a darker color as a way of saying I didn't play the game yet.) I clicked the New Game Button but nothing happened, then I clicked the Continue button and it went straight to the map screen, but none of the buttons I click on respond at all. Do you know how I can fix it, especially since it's Spooky Month and I'm hoping to do a letsplays of this horror game for my Youtube channel. Thanks in advance.


Your save file might've gotten corrupted on it's first bootup. If you go to your AppData\Local\AtC_BB\Saved\SaveGames and delete your .sav file manually, it should fix the issue. The game should automatically create a new save file upon booting it back up. Lemme know if it works!

I did that, and it had the same result as last time. Then I decided to delete the game and downloaded an entirely new file which also had the exact same result.

Ah yikes, I'm not sure what could be causing the problem then. I'm really sorry I can't be of much help. :(

what platform are you playing on

I'm playing this on a Windows 10 PC, downloaded it on WinRAR and extracted it to my Downloads folder.

if theres an exe file open that and the game should work

It does, but the title screen won't let me play it.


Have you tried also deleting WinRAR? It might be a good solution. It's worth a try, I guess. Just a suggestion though :).

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