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When I got jumpcared by the Hash Slinging Slasher, He ate my crunchy bones ima die

The game is good! you don't need WinRAR! just press Extract to!

how do i download it-


No need to buy WinRAR. all you need to do is exract it!

this game is cool, i hope this gets a continuation

(2 edits)

nice game dave i made a video for this game


NUNCA volveré a comer en el krustaceo kaskarudo de nuevo XD tengo miedo me gustó mucho el juego muchas gracias por compartir

come check out my YT 


For some horror gameplay

Here is another my full gameplay of the game so fun haha ^^ run when the lights come off

(1 edit)

I found the easter eggs bear in krusty crab 3 AM. This game so fun and also there is some tricks ^^ Here is my gameplay full (Endless Mode)

Enjoyable game
Good game
(1 edit)

It's a pretty simple game, your casual "do these objectives and leave but don't get caught by the entity. " Overall, I'd say it's a pretty good game. Never would I have thought Spongebob would be in the horror category! Really loved the fact that it was made in Unreal Engine!


🔲 My 90-year-old grandma could play it 

🔲 Easy 

✅ Normal  

🔲 Hard

🔲 "Dark Souls"

- Accessibility -

✅ Easy to figure out 

🔲 Takes some time to figure out

🔲 Hard to figure out

🔲 Very Unclear


🔲 "MS Paint"

🔲 Bad

🔲 Meh

🔲 Graphics don't matter in this game

🔲 Decent

✅ Good

🔲 Beautiful

🔲 Masterpiece

- MUSIC && SFX - 🔲 None

🔲 Bad

🔲 Not special

✅ Good

🔲 Beautiful


🔲 This game has no story it's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ simulator/Shooter

🔲 Like playing "Temple Runners" for the story

✅ It's there for the people who want it

🔲 Well written

🔲 Epic story  


✅ Free

🔲 Underpriced

🔲 Perfect price

🔲 Could be cheaper

🔲 Overpriced

🔲 Complete waste of money


🔲 You can run it on a microwave

✅ Average

🔲 High end

🔲 "NASA" computer


🔲 Super Short  (0-10 minutes)

✅Very short (0 - 1 hours)

(haven't played it fully)

🔲 Short (1 - 10 hours)

🔲 Average (10 - 30 hours)

🔲 Long (30 - 70 hours)

🔲 Extremely long (70 - 110 hours)

🔲 No ending

- FUN -

🔲 I'd rather watch paint dry

🔲 Hard to enjoy

🔲 Repetitive

✅ Actually pretty scary

🔲 Ride of your life


🔲 It's a one-time experience

(haven't played it fully)

✅ Only for achievements

🔲 If you wait a few months/years

🔲 Definitely (you can always go back and improve and is still enjoyable

🔲 Infinitely replayable

Special Thanks to BLUEY from Steam (Creator of the template)

- MARKETING - (How well your game page)

🔲Very Weak (No photos/videos/Description/Story/External Links + Devlogs)

🔲Weak ( No photos/videos/Story/External Links + Devlogs)

🔲Good (No videos/ External Links + Devlogs)

✅Great (has all the above)

 Hey! I played your game on my stream! Watch it to see the live review!  Here's the link for it: 😄
Game Number: 1
Review ended at: 37:25

  I would also appreciate if you could give an opinion on our latest game. Game devs advice is precious because we know better what it takes to make something work. It's called "Backdoor Shifts"

 awesome game   


very sussy baka

sike its the scariest game ever

Me encanta la adaptación del crustáceo cascarudo y la tenaza de don cangrejo. Este juego domina


There's just a raw horror about being chased by the slasher.

Guys the game is giving error when opening, for you is it too?

whats the song name? at the ending

Great game! Gave me a good spook and had fun!

Awesome game!

best game ever

I loved this game, when I first saw this game I was happy someone finally made something of that episode. Also you do an amazing job at video games, good luck on future projects Dave!

i cannot launch the game, it says out of video memory and suggests to lower the resolution. how do i lower it when not in game?

You can’t low the resolution in this game, probably you’r graphics card can’t launch the game because it hasn’t enough video memory!


My playthrough of this classic gem ! 

I was fully expecting this to be a 5-minute-long, trashy meme game with no merit.

I was wrong! It's pretty fun. I had a genuinely good time with it, it went in some directions I didn't expect, and I even checked out the sequel. I'd recommend it, it's very short, and a good way to kill some time :)

this was a great, quick and even tense game! I think the hash slinging slasher freaked us all out as kids so having a horror game with him was a great idea. 

It was fun!

ok that's it i need the macbook version because i am using mac please make macbook version  

Yooo great game, Thanks ! Watch below 👇👇

~ Straycat ~

Epic Game :D

The Hash Slinging slasher didnt want the smoke.

This game was a lot of fun. I'm currently going through the rest of your catalogue. Great stuff, man!

(1 edit)

This was surprisingly a really good horror game! i couldn't believe how well done it was and how scary it was for a Spongebob-type horror game! 

ACTUALLY SCARY!!! - 3 Am At The Krusty Krab


I freaking love your games! I have seen them on the site but never tried to play them. I documented my first experience playing and absolutely loved it! 

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