To anyone complaining about the lack of Chumbucket. (And yes, I know it's in the background. But most people don't see it. (And yes, I'm talking about in-game. Not the screenshot.))
Well, how do I say . . . Understand, the game made on Unreal Engine, and you suggest remaking the game from scratch so that it can be launched on any mobile device, especially since we still need to add on-screen controls
The newer graphics cards don't really work with the game so what you have to do is turn off your internet before you launch the game I'm pretty sure there is a permitted solution but I'm not sure how to do it
The newer graphics cards don't really work with the game so what you have to do is turn off your internet before you launch the game I'm pretty sure there is a permitted solution but I'm not sure how to do it
Sorry, I had never really considered posting about a solution publicly! It seems to occur in rare instances so it's never crossed my mind. Since this game was made in an older version of UE4, some newer generation CPUs and GPUs may have this strange crashing issue. The quickest and easiest solution is to disconnect from your wifi before launching the game and it should run smoothly. I know there is a permanent solution out there, but I can't remember what it is you need to do. Sorry for the inconvenience!
The newer graphics cards don't really work with the game so what you have to do is turn off your internet before you launch the game I'm pretty sure there is a permitted solution but I'm not sure how to do it
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To anyone complaining about the lack of Chumbucket.

(And yes, I know it's in the background. But most people don't see it. (And yes, I'm talking about in-game. Not the screenshot.))
sometimes the man spawns even when its not flickering
but it was good game vevry spooky
This was fun to play! :D
real what if we get 9am at rock bottom?Lol
3:00 AM at The Krusty Krab | Spongebob Horror Game. Full Game
A very fun and scary game! It always scares me every time I get chased and getting jumpscared....
Love the game Dave!...more soon...
Good game
haw to del loo
pls make a browser
Super Fun Game, We Definitely Enjoyed 5 Stars From Us
Why Not?
Well, how do I say . . . Understand, the game made on Unreal Engine, and you suggest remaking the game from scratch so that it can be launched on any mobile device, especially since we still need to add on-screen controls
n at first, then last level was genui
It was tough but fun hahaha
closes randomly very bad
The newer graphics cards don't really work with the game so what you have to do is turn off your internet before you launch the game I'm pretty sure there is a permitted solution but I'm not sure how to do it
how do I play the game I'm trying to but its not letting me
The newer graphics cards don't really work with the game so what you have to do is turn off your internet before you launch the game I'm pretty sure there is a permitted solution but I'm not sure how to do it
overtime full of terrorim guys im player Roblox ok (:
fix for game.
Convert .rar to .zip using
It worked after that
Used to be playable and a good game. Now it crashes constantly making it unplayable and the Dev still hasn't posted a solution.
Sorry, I had never really considered posting about a solution publicly! It seems to occur in rare instances so it's never crossed my mind. Since this game was made in an older version of UE4, some newer generation CPUs and GPUs may have this strange crashing issue. The quickest and easiest solution is to disconnect from your wifi before launching the game and it should run smoothly. I know there is a permanent solution out there, but I can't remember what it is you need to do. Sorry for the inconvenience!
That would explain the problem. I'll try playing on my old computer if the problem continues after I disconnect my internet
The newer graphics cards don't really work with the game so what you have to do is turn off your internet before you launch the game I'm pretty sure there is a permitted solution but I'm not sure how to do it
Having trouble opening the game and extracting the files.
How do fix this issue?
There are some errors and the game crashed
This was fun to play
late to the party but this a great little game. The creator captured the theme from the cartoon really well.
SpongeBob SquarePants HORROR GAME: 3AM At The Krusty Krab
Muito bem feitinho, da uma agonia correr do zé do picadinho hahhaah
The hash-pinging.. the rash-tinging..
Hey! thanks for allowing us to play your game!
really loved the aspect of the Hash Slinging slasher popping in and out of everything.
Also loved the sound effects when he dissapeared.
Would love an option to play as spongebob or squidward with altered tasks
I made a video on this game if this peaks your interest?
both this and the other game keeps crashing
Very Fun, And Scary!