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Love the game, who knew you could combine Spongebob and horror together? Keep up the great work


dont call the krusty krab at 3 am 

lol, yeah, unless you're ordering some Krusty Krab pizza. In that case, call em at anytime of the day. XD


OH BOY 3 AM -Patrick




O MY gosh i am ded at dis gam


im actually DED.


nice and scary game


I love your game, its so good i play it all the time. 10/10 i will rate it :)

lol, glad you really enjoy it. :D

The game is really good !! but you can tell me which program you use to create this incredible game: P

(1 edit)

I use Unreal Engine 4.


I played Courage's first, and I immediately fell in love with your style.  I had high expectations for this one, and I was not disappointed. I love how you twist a child hood tv show into a terrifying horror game. Hope you enjoy my goofy let's play! 


lol, I'm glad you liked the game! :D

This game scary me a lot ,the sound is good ,to say worth to play
I am from vietnamese so most of the videos i speak in vietnameseplease be sympathetic for that


yea the hash slinging slasher finded in basement and kill the mr krab


Yeah, this is a really good game! That goes without saying of course.

If I can play any of your other games without lag, I will defiantly record them too! :)


Great game, I played it on my channel. 


so fun but i couldnt win XD


I liked this game! Good job making it!  Got scared more than I would've liked to.


Another amazing game from Dave!! I know i am a little late to the party on this one, but I had to play it for myself! Absolutely amazing, challenging , and everything I was hoping for! You can check out my video on it here! Can't wait for the next game you make!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it man! :D


Gotta catch up on all the awesome games you've made! Keep it up!


Nice game! Keep em Comin!


nice game! 


Niice Game

Thanks, glad you like it. :)

So I download the files but can't play. What do I do?

You need to unzip the rar file using winrar. To get winrar follow this tutorial

After it's unzipped, it'll be a regular folder. Double click the folder, click on the application and play!

Hey! Its me again! I was just now trying to load up the game to see if it would work yet but it still didn't work. Last time I talked to you you said it was a problem with the engine. Is there a new update i need to download or are you still waiting?

Well the new update for the engine is already installed on my pc, I could update this game to the latest version but I now found out it's still occurring for some users. You see, Courage's Curse, my latest game, is using the latest version yet I'm still getting a few comments saying the same D3D error problem. I looked it up and found out it's most probably a computer problem than the engine. They said a solution for laptops is to unplug (or was is it plug in) the charger to your laptop to fix the problem, if that doesn't work or if you're using a desktop pc, then it's most probably the computer and I can't do anything about that unfortunately. :/

OK! Thanks for the tips :D


Very Fun! He got me good is all I can say! Keep up the good work!

Will there be a version for Mac

Unfortunately I cannot cause I don't own a Mac. :/

(1 edit) (+1)

amazing work man! one of the best parody games I've ever played and I'm glad it's a really popular game


I love this king of game.


I never thought a Spongebob game would scare me so bad. It did. 10/10 do not want to be scared by children cartoons again. 

lol, glad you enjoyed it!

DON'T YOU DARE STEAL ME MONEY!! The hash slinging slasher is out to get us aND ALL I WANNA DO IS MAKE LOVE TO ME MONEY! Absolutely LOVED playing this, but I wish there were more objectives to complete before escaping. Very tense and creepy atmosphere! The AI is a little wonky with the Slasher as he did suddenly run through a different door while being chased, but other than that, I LOVED EVERY SECOND! It's cool to see a Spongebob fan game without Spongebob actually in the game. Amazing job and hope to see more in the near future! Definitely will keep a lookout for upcoming projects!

Glad you enjoyed it! Hope you'll check out my Courage the Cowardly Dog horror game coming out tomorrow! It's pretty much done. Just been doing bug testing all day today. Can't wait to get it out there. Problem is, itchio has been acting strange lately, some testers in my Discord couldn't download the early release version of the Courage horror game but on Gamejolt it worked just fine. I really hope tomorrow that's fixed and I can upload it on itchio without a hitch.


Courage has always moved me in ways I couldn't fathom when I was younger; I will definitely check it out!

Hey i played the game and loved it its amazing but the end of the game was the hardest i suggest putting a weapon available when you are going down to the basement haha

How do I play the game

(1 edit)

What do you mean? Did you save the file as, then once it's downloaded did you extract the rar file using winrar? Once you do that, it'll become a folder, you can enter it and double click the application to launch the game.

W,A,S,D to walk. For flashlight: I DONT EVEN KNOW

Press F to use your flashlight... And to pay respects, lol.


I enjoyed this! I wasn't actually able to finish, but it was exactly what I was expecting with the premise (and done well) which is exactly what I was looking for! :)

I'll try to check out your other games, I have my eye on  TUNKY and BUNKY.  Hopefully I can make the time for it!

(1 edit)

Glad you enjoyed it! I always enjoy watching people play TUNKY and BUNKY, so I'll gladly watch your gameplays of em if you do play em. :)


A little bit late to the "Hard Mode" Update. I remembered when I first played this. Gosh, you got so popular! Keep up the good work!

Hi, I'm new to this site and I love your funny/scary little games! Keep doing what you do :D

Thanks! Glad you enjoy my random horror games. :D


I was legit scared.

I know the thumbnail is crap. 

lol, thumbnail's totally fine man. But glad you enjoyed it man! Thanks for playing. :)


haha you know it's not! 

No problem man, it is a ton of fun. 

What I mean by that is I love your games. It’s frog language you see.

Thanks, glad you like em.

thiccthicc thicc


Would love to Interview you sometime Dave 

anyway here's my shit video like everyone else keeps posting GG

Just HMU on Twitter or something if you wanna do that Interview 


I am really loving these Spongebob Horror games that have been popping up lately. This one was really cool and super enjoyable! Amazing job!

Help! I have an error when starting. Fatal error: [File: D: \ Build \ ++ UE4 + Release-4.18 + Compile \ Sync \ Engine \ Source \ Runtime \ RenderCore \ Private \ RenderingThread.cpp] [Line: 813]  Rendering thread exception:Fatal error: [File: D: \ Build \ ++ UE4 + Release-4.18 + Compile \ Sync \ Engine \ Source \ Runtime \ Windows \ D3D11RHI \ Private \ D3D11Util.cpp] [Line: 182]Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG'). I do not know what to do with it please!

As I stated in previous comments. This error occurs for certain users, it's a problem with the engine. I gotta wait till version 4.19 (for the Unreal Engine) releases to see if they fixed this bug.

I downloaded the 32-bit file, unzipped it with RAR and clicked on the application, but it told me that it crashed, that it would close and something like Fatal error. Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device getting lost. 

Also, thank you very much for this game and sorry, if I could I would support you in patreon, thanks for reading this. (Sorry, I used Google traductor).

(1 edit)

Yeah, this is an error that occurs for certain users. It's a problem with the engine so there's not much I can do until version 4.19 (for the Unreal Engine) releases to see if they fixed this bug.

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