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(2 edits) (-2)

Omg dave i can not play this 😭😭😭 i have been trying for many days 😫 i still can not download this! Why don't you just put a free version of this game in google play or app store? My dad says that its a scam its not a scam im just a little kid How come Youtubers can play this? I'm turkish i want a mobile version of this game! Please dave just please!


The game is free, when you click download, just click the "No thanks, just take me to the download" button to proceed to the download. My games were developed only for Windows, I don't plan on porting over to mobile.

i know i watch your videos  dave microwave and subscribed it

this is one of your scariest games dave (p.s i am a huge dave microwaves games)



plus dora is so scary


Don't you need to extract it to play? How else would you make it work without extracting? Windows tells me to it can't find some files without extracting.


I can't play any of your games. All of them give me a message that says "Fatal Error!"

did u extract it ?

maybe thats why??


i cant play the game i downloaded

You need to extract the .rar using winrar in order to play the game.

oh i get it dave thx for reminding the PEPS


Accautly DORA TOOK SWIPERS LEGS IF BOOTS OR HER GOT HIM AND DORA HAS LEGS SEE WHEN U DIE IN THE GAME idiots                              dora is NOT dead Remasterd is good


keanna111 holy nuggets How the dora did you write those words do big OMG 😲 😳


Swiper Took Dora's Legs!!!!!

my requst has been filled thanks dave 

(+1) Just uploaded a video on your game, me and my friend had a lot of fun with it. We got pretty confused on what we were meant to be doing but, regardless it was a fun experience! 


Thank you for the experience! Lots of jump scares! :) 

(1 edit)

Dude your video is unavailable 😕 why is that? I'm on itch io  but  can't watch it.  Maybe it's just on Youtube or its just probably a glitch.


Great job as always Dave!  This is probably your scariest game that I have played.  I got jumpscared so many times.  Mostly by that monkey.  Everytime I opened a door I expected to die.  Thanks for the great game Dave!

Gave it a go...


Really enjoyed your game! Actually started tweaking me out. Keep em coming man!


Hey dave, I was thinking about making a video about this game on youtube and I wonder do I need any permission to prevent copyright in my video?


Nah, there's no copyright or anything like that with this game. :)


Cool :D thank you so much dave, love your games


my dream has finally come true!

Haha, enjoy!

Deleted post

Bro this game was super scary, I could not handle it!! Good job on the game man 👍🏾


As always Dave you've made a great game and the remaster added just enough spice to make me want to finish it, instead of last time when I realized Dora was screwing with us I just rage quit. Boot scared the hell out of my until I realized his mechanic, and the new Dora design is a treat to look at. Thanks again for the release!


I made it through!! It was quite fun!


holly s##t dora is way creepyer then the old one

me:mom dora is ded?

mom:Dora is not dead.

me:But in game they named "dora is dead"



How to save your legs from Dora :D


Nice remake. I did manage to find a bug.


Ah another god game for the collection, I enjoyed this and the twists you added to it.

YouTuber:  Fellowplayer


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