A downloadable game for Windows

Get ready to be scared stiff in this new refined and improved version of the original Dora is Dead!

Story: Dora has kidnapped Swiper the Fox in his sleep, and brought him to this old abandoned warehouse. You must find a way out of here, but beware, Dora knows where you are at all times and will relentlessly pursue you until you escape or die. But why is Dora doing this? What happened to her legs? Why does she specifically want Swiper dead? Maybe it's best for you not to know...

Dora is Dead: Remastered has hit the scene just in time for Christmas. Explore a familiar yet considerably improved version of the warehouse with new textures, models and general improvements. Boots has been promoted from a simple jumpscare in the end to an actual threat that hides behind doors and can randomly jump out at you and kill you. Be vigilant and quick, cause Boots might catch you off guard and kill you before you have time to react.

Hope you enjoy this silly little game while I work hard on Strange Terror From The Deep and release it early January 2019.


Dora Is Dead Remastered (64 Bit).rar 250 MB
Dora Is Dead Remastered (32 Bit).rar 227 MB

Install instructions

Use Winrar to extract the .rar folder. Once extracted, you may open the folder and launch the application.

Development log


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This game was fun to play 

fun and pretty scary icl

amazing game

Good Job 
(1 edit)


Nice game!


Bro...this game is wild! Who would have thought Dora would be such an effective killer (all things considered)

Good game , great jumpscare.

i freakin' love all things dave 

the history

what- dora is dead or not???? 

Awesome game! Great job Dev's! Game here:

Great Game! Here's the video of my gameplay!

If you like it pls sub! It's in Spanish btw...

good game

dave helo

I wish this game gets more updates 5/5 :)

Yup, this is a game that is also horrifying.  I've played through most of the Dave Microwaves Games games, but I missed this one... Looking forward to those original works, too. Thanks for sharing all this with us!

Super amazing game, loved every second of it. Especially when Dora got stuck behind the door lol


It was a super fun and terrifying experience. I wasn't able to finish it because I kept dying but enjoy me screaming and getting scared 😳

Well made game indeed.  It was fun !

Game here:  

Please subscribe !!

This was a fun and surprisingly scary game, i suggest giving it a shot. If you can check out my playthrough and maybe subscribe it'd mean a lot to me, Have a good day :)

Hola probe el juego y estuvo bueno megusto aqui dejo el link de mi video probandolo 

Boots wasnt valid.

this game is legitimately scary lmao

Hello, I really like microwave games but I have a problem, every time I try to open a game I get an error and my screen turns off, please if someone also happens to tell me the solution (my computer is 32-bit and I use 32-bit games just in case)especially when it is the program:UE4game,thanks

this game is very scary but i love it. however my favorite game you made other than around the clock at bikini bottom is crunchy

Thanks for ruining my early childhood this scared me. But I still really enjoyed playing it, keep it up.

Legit was scared in this game

Awesome vid!

where is the download button Dave microwae

hey dave why do you don't make the game on mobile

you now why my name is tv head games because i'm a developer i know annoying scott games doing work on the game the game is't right the game is't working

hello dave microwave games i'm playing on chrome os i can't play it but i like the game

hello dave

Walks the line between comedy and scares so so well. I had a blast with it.

Pour les Francophones !

thank you dave!!

(2 edits) (-1)

U know what dave im buy a windows computer create my own itch io account and download this game😀 im so done with itch io shit yayyyyyyyyyy jdjrudhdndiekjddudbdsgark😊 somebody on Youtube just told me that to download your games You need a app called WINRAR my uncle told me that You first need to finish class.  YAY THAT TOTALLY MEANS I GET A FREE WINDOWS COMPUTER OOPS  ITCH IO LOOKS LIKE YOU CAN'T STOP ME ANYMORE HE SAVED THE DAY ITCH IO IS NOT IN MY WAY ANYMORE 😀😊😇😁😄😃

(3 edits) (-2)

Are you ******* kidding me buddy I don't have a windows computer. Why does this have to happen its just not fair! Why don't u plan over posting a mobile version of your games? u hate mobile? Wow... i guess the number 1 mobile hater is a Microwave. He's name is dave. (I still like u 😉😀)

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