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I FINALLY got around to hunting down that final ending. This required a pretty decent amount of investigation! It was a lot more satisfying than the original 'secret ending' and definitely wasn't as easy to get. I didn't run into any of the new monsters, but the models and sound engineering for them are great! Thanks for making this update!


Impresionante este juego! Me lo recomendó una amiga y me encantó, acá les dejo mi video gameplay!

I love this game, very fun, but what button do you press to shoot the gun?!?! I have almost done the kill the monster ending twice now but cant manage to get the gun to shoot. 

You press the Left Mouse Button like any shooter, lol.

Thanks, not used to gaming on a computer. Saw GTlive play the game and thought it was really cool so decided to try it!

(2 edits)

Ah okay I see. Now I feel like a dick for my response to your question, lol. But I'm glad you enjoyed it though!


Don’t feel bad, it’s not often that you find brand new gamers on sites like this. You’re the creator right? Maybe  you could put in a patch so that when you pick up the gun it inculdes how to fire in that “only one round” message so new gamers don’t get lost. I really love the game though, so don’t feel bad!


Yeah true, that's a good idea.

I played Dora is Dead and Scooby Horror beforehand and now I have played THIS game!

I especially like this game because the chasing sound is pretty scary AND they legit roam around and could pop up as soon as you open a door! 

i have a windows computer and none of the controls are working. i think my firewall blocked... everything!! and now it wont close and i cant delete it because of that!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS THING THE SCENE WONT EVEN PLAY! HE PUTS HIS AND ON DOOR AND THEN IT JUST FREEZES!!! 🤬👎🤬

(1 edit)

Damn, I dunno dude. Maybe your computer can't handle the game. I suggest restarting your computer if the game won't close for some reason. Then just delete the game if you can't play it.


WE ACTUALLY ESCAPED!! | Strange Terror From Beyond The Stars | #2 | Neutral Ending

this is just amazing once again! another ending added to the list!! so happy!! :D

Sure brings out the chills. Fellow dev here. I just joined recently and was browsing thru the games. This one popped out nicely.




Keep up the good work, Dave, your games are very fun, I'm looking forward the next one *cough* *cough* don't want to spoil it lol. Now I need to work on that new 5th ending.


I mixed the footage of this game with another game hope you don't mind... really good 👌🏻


Gave it a go...

This is a super fun and very challenging game with more than one way to win!

Definitely a huge improvement from 3 Am At The Krusty Krabs. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to subscribe 


this game was awesome 100% recommend it give a go you will enjoy

As always Dave nails it out of the park, with a simple but interesting game. I'd like it if it wasn't just item fetching (maybe a bit of puzzle or platforming or something) but it's a system that works very well for you and you have a nice style among all your games. Thanks for making it, and look forward to the next one.

I definitely wanna try putting puzzles and platforming into my games, and you know, that actually would've been great to add to this game, but dammit I never thought of any of that, lol. Ah well, glad you enjoyed it!

Hey, can I know what game engine you use?! Thanks!

I use Unreal Engine 4.


This is a neat little game. I love the feel and atmosphere that it gives off as well as it's art style. The randomization and multiple endings are a nice feature. Awesome that this game also included so many members from the indie community in it's development and credits.


Checkout this video for strange terror from beyond the stars!! Dave Microwaves games is one of my fave indie game devs. His games are unique and allways fun.


I managed to get the secret ending! On accident of course lmao 


great work 


My favourite game by Dave yet, the music really fits the old timie  sci-fi vibe and the monsters pace is way better, I actually managed to escape a few times.

I can see this becoming rather addictive, attempting to complete the monster list.

Lovely work Dave.


Love the game buddy, will definitely be going back for another video in the near future. Loved the secret ending and love the variations in the monsters.


Excellent job dude! I swear these games keep getting better and better. I appreciate the detail you put into it, and the easter eggs! 
*Cough* Although I am disappointed I didn't find an Easter Egg of me, but I'll let that slide for now. ; ) 
I can't wait to see the other endings. Believe it or not, I recorded for over an hour. I tend to make things more complicated than what they actually are, but that's why I'm a YouTuber. LOL


I Enjoyed This Game. It's Great! 재밌게 했어요.


Finally got it all finished! I'm trying to have more going on in my videos in general, but I was also not feeling super great, so it's a little low energy. I hope you don't mind that I including you in the whole "Past Nathan" Thing! lol

You did a fantastic job as always Dave! Keep it up!

That was honestly really funny when you included my game page and all that in the beginning of the video, lol. Glad you enjoyed it dude! I look forward to seeing you get the two other endings.


I'm so glad you got people together to make this, it's so good! I'm a sucker for space and horror, and the art style reminds me of those cube head animations :) I'll be making more videos for the different endings, but for now I hope you like this one <3

Dave is back with another banger of a game! this is great man! so cool to get the secret ending :D but i have more to find! :D really good job on creating this!

Made a video 


I dont know how I did it on my first playthrough I managed to get the secret ending, without even knowing how to do it. This game was really awesome.  Good game 

lol, wow lucky you! And thanks man! Glad you enjoyed it.

No worries, I want to go back in and play it again to get the other ending 

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Oops, I probably sounded sarcastic there, lol sorry if I came across like a dick. XD But I'll gladly watch you playthrough and get another ending. :)


na you didnt. Thank you 


Well I went back and found the secret ending (thanks to you) and it was awesome! I definitely didn't expect that. It happened much faster than I thought it would so I tried my hand at seeing all of the rare monsters and either my RNG is terrible or they're extremely rare! This is honestly my favorite game of yours so far and I can't wait to see future work from you! :D


Another amazing game, loved the voice acting! Really unique way to mix stuff up by adding randomized monsters! Can't wait to get the other endings! The rare creatures idea is really cool too, can't wait to see some of those! 

Amazingly fun and challenging game!!!!

Glad you enjoyed it! Btw, if you want to know how to get the last ending, it's just getting blown up during the self destruct sequence. XD


Ooooh I didn't even think about that, thanks Dave!!!

Deleted 4 years ago
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Man, you got lucky to have gotten Jason on your first run. Took me a few days to get him. I actually haven't even encountered the Xenomorph yet. Only played against him when I was testing the game during development but never actually got him in a regular playthrough, haha. Glad you enjoyed the game!

So I dove back into this to get a couple more endings and I'm LOVING the "rare creature" aspect of this game. Honestly the whole shuffling monsters thing is super unique and really adds that awesome spin to the game that makes it a super easy and enjoyable replay. I noticed a couple more (nit picky) things though. The text can overlap sometimes, usually with TheGameSalmon's character when you fix his door. When you first start the game, you have to click the screen before you gain control of the first person camera (I use dual monitors so I'm not sure if the problem exists with just one). I found an awesome Easter egg! Very happy you put that in there lol. Again, I'm just nitpicking so the "issues" above really aren't that big of a deal. I'm still trying to figure out that last ending. xD

Oh snap! I better fix that in the next patch, and hopefully I can find a way to make the text not overlap so much.


Ohhhh after long time


‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻ DAMN THESE ALIENS, and also Solar Meth.

(oh and if ya like the art I draw leave a like ;3)

lol, glad you enjoyed it!

No problem! Super solid game keep up da good work v(°∇^*)⌒☆ 

(1 edit) (+1)

Fun little game about meeting Jeff Goldblum. Very Alien Isolation like.

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