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I had forgotten this cartoon. Thank you for making me rememorate this cartoon. The game at its level of difficulty and it is well appreciated. That's fun.


This game is honestly fun and spooky haha


Show your Courage in Courage's Curse the family friendly frustration factor of fun!!!


While simple in design with the low poly graphics, Courage's Curse is a surprisingly good time and manages to be pretty spot on with the layout of Courage's home. The item hunt aspect is nothing new to horror, but I like how you need more than one thing to accomplish tasks, so it's not just constant running back and forth for single tasks. The randomized placement of things paired with an AI that just won't quit is a pretty good challenge as well. While I doubt it would happen, I'd love to see a more fine tuned version of this, with smoothed out models and some of the different foes Courage faced.

Good job on this, dev. You've catered to nostalgia in a good way.
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Thanks man, I'm glad you liked the game. I really would like to do a big update improving stuff and adding extra content into the game, but it'd be tough due to some problems I encountered during development, and a lack of time to update this game. Though hopefully I'll have the time to do it one day.

Totally understandable with the complications. Life and all that. Though that you do have interest in adding to it says a lot, since most I've seen who made games like this just posted them and forgot about them. I'll try to keep an eye out in case that "one day"comes. I've seen a couple of your other games before and you do decent work.

Thanks, and yeah everytime I release a new game I make sure to do some extra updates to them. I want to make sure the game is as best as it can be. A Nightmare on Sesame Street got a crap ton of updates cause I enjoyed working on that one the most out of all my other games. But some of my other games just get a few patch updates and that's it, like TUNKY and BUNKY. Though I haven't forgotten about BUNKY, that one's gonna get a sort of big update, but it's taking awhile due to current projects I'm working on and not having the time to work on the update.

Always good to see a dev with passion for their work. Even if the work does seem to put on some pressure. Touching back on Courage, I actually just had an idea(if you accept those) for either an update to this game or a future one. Katz would be perfect as a character chasing him for X reason. More so with his theme.

People seem to really want that, the Katz motel. Maybe one day if I do a sequel to this game, it would be about the Katz motel.

You have a lots of good games but this one is my favourite can we get another couarge's game?Or what is your next project?


Most probably won't make another Courage game but right now I'm working on Dracula's Castle Alpha 3. After that, I might make the Blues Clues horror game or an original horror game.



I downloaded your game and it was really good but i checked it with virus total too and got 1 unsafe detection

what is this? 

Wtf? I don't know honestly.


This was fun to play and a good trip down memory lane, nice added feature of having the positions of the items randomized as well!!!

What's the music that plays when muriel chases you?

This theme from the show.

thank you!


I think I found the absolutely best glitch (which I honestly would 100% call a feature) in this one, loved the game and looking forward to more of your stuff! 


lol I was going to remove that bug during development but I found it too funny to remove so I kept it for people to find. XD


спасибо за веселую игру 


Another fantastic game! This one was a little tougher. A lot like Sesame Street. Anyways, I'll just leave my playthrough here:


Made a video

Deleted post

This was actually pretty hard, I thought it would take me 10 15 minutes... Nah fam xD

Hope you enjoy the video :)


Wayyyy harder then your other games for sure! But i managed!



Pretty tough, but I was able to get through it after a couple tries. I don't know if it was intentional, but locking Ramses in the house made things a lot easier. Muriel also got stuck in the attic stairs once for me. Always been a big fan of Courage, so seeing the series get some love is great. Nice work!


I absolutely love what you've done here, courage was my favorite cartoon as a kid so I had to play this as soon as I saw it and you did not disappoint. I think this is a really cool opportunity to continue with, courage has SOO MANY different villains that you could do this for so many more and I would have a ball. THE DIFFICULTY ON THIS MY GOD!! I played the 3 a.m. at the krusty krab and that wasn't shit compared to this one, that one took me about 15 minutes to play through and this one took me about 50 I just kept running into her and KING RAMSES is so fast i'm going to eat a shoe. As frustrating as it is I still had a good time playing a game about my favorite purple dog. I can't wait to see what else you'll come up with!



Deleted 4 years ago
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Glad you liked the game! Also sorry about the difficulty, lol. It's a tough bitch to beat.


Gave it a go...


Absolutely loved this one! I had an absolute blast playing this on the channel! I will say it got really intense and difficult, and was not easy to beat! But it was still a ton of fun! Can't wait for whats next! 

Glad you enjoyed it! I feel like this one is harder or just as hard as A Nightmare on Sesame Street. One of the hardest games I've made in the past.

I'll have to check that one out and play it on the channel then! :)


Good luck. XD


Making fun nostalgia games! I absolutely love it! You're going through my whole childhood and making it even more terrifying than it already was! Sincerely enjoyed the game Dave! Keep it up!

Thanks for playing! And yeah that random generation of items can be a bitch sometimes. XD


Loved the throwback to one of my favorite childhood nightmare fuels. Gotta respect The Man in Gauze.

Thanks for making this game, along with so many others that have kept me entertained.

The Man in Gauze, The Man in Gauze, King Ramsesssssss!!! lol, glad you enjoyed it. :)


that's great game! It's Played Funny! 재밌게 플레이 했어요:)

Thanks! Glad you had fun with this one!


Gonna start off by saying that you don't disappoint! As always, I loved the sounds and ambience of the game. They were super accurate to the show! I was absolutely mesmerized by the sky. That was just gorgeous. Probably on of the best animations I've seen. The game was HARD. I see that you've nerfed it since my let's play, but the line-of-sight and movement speed of Ramses was killer. The mechanics were fun, and I was definitely sad that it was over. I did find a glitch at one point, I think. The corn (or wheat, I wasn't paying attention) in the field despawned after a while of playing. Anywho! This was amazing! Thanks for making it!! Looking forward to more awesomeness!



Courage was my favorite show growing up and I saw a few opportunities for Easter eggs! I told you about the Bathtub Barracuda and I see that you added it! That's so awesome! More events to incorporate could maybe be Uncle Fred knocking on the front door, seeing the "You're Not Perfect" blue fetus thing as a cutscene after dying, and just before spawning (since Courage sees it in a dream) AND maybe Benton Tarantella can pop occasionally on the TV screen downstairs? Just ideas from the show that could randomly pop to make things different each playthrough. I'm sure there are MANY more possibilities with this game, and there are so many rooms to add Easter eggs in! The shed, the basement, etc. Thanks again for adding the fish!

Oh and I'm definitely gonna keep those ideas in mind for when I add updates to the game. It'll add more replayability like BUNKY and it's random events.

Heck yes! Let me know when you add them! I still need to go “event hunting” on BUNKY

Glad you really liked the game! I can't wait to finish Alpha 3 of Dracula's Castle. Hopefully it'll be done by April. :D

yay! I’m ready!!

Deleted post

Glad you enjoyed it! :D


This game brings back so many memories of how disturbing the cartoon was. :) 

PS For anyone watching, please consider subscribing for a copious amounts of indie games. 

lol, I'm glad you liked it! :)

Just what I needed to get back into the swing of things after being out of town! It's super fun, really well made and a wonderful idea! Thank you very much as always Dave! Hope you don't mind me doing it as a "Quiet Time" video! 

lol, that's totally fine. Glad you enjoyed it man!

i just downloaded the game and i think i will like it!

Hope you enjoyed it! If ya played it already. :)


Love the game been waiting for it for a month now and it is great. It legitimately scared me i think it is your hardest game yet good job. 

Glad you enjoyed it! I wonder if it's harder or just as hard as A Nightmare on Sesame Street. That game's notorious for it's difficulty, lol.


Another awesome game man your the best :D.

If you make another game based on courage take a look at A Night at the Katz Motel that gave me nightmares when i was a kid xD.

Thanks! Glad you liked it. Oh yeah, I remember that episode. That does sound like a good idea for another Courage the Cowardly Dog horror game.


I dont kow how you do it but you keep on bringing out amazing games! This one i was so happy about i loved courage the cowardly dog and this ep was the scariest of them all!! lol I loved this game and it was alot harder which i loved! Well done!

Yeah, I gotta nerf King Ramses a bit, haha. But I'm glad you enjoyed it!


I loved this one! I don't know what it is, but it had some replay value to it. I noticed the layout of the map is very similar to the Garry's Mod Courage map. I'm really hoping there's more Courage involved in your work because this turned out to be my favorite so far. My only issue with this game is that there's no windowed mode option which made it a little frustrating to switch the game to different monitors.

Huh, I never thought of that. I should try adding a windowed mode then, shouldn't be too hard to add I assume. Anyway, Glad you enjoyed this one!


Another great game. I love the old cartoons you've chosen. The only thing i would recommend is a better way to know where Muriel is. Sometimes you open a door and BAM you're dead. still a great game though.


super cool game 👌😃

Thanks! Glad you liked it!


Ah once again I am pleased to add a game of yours to my collection, I am use to your style now.  I found some interesting things happening in the game and that was certainly a scare.  5/5.

YouTuber:  Fellowplayer

Glad you enjoyed it! I released a patch fixing that delay with the slab bashing through the window. Now I just gotta make that basement key that was buried in the fields get picked up automatically without you needing to press E on it, lol.

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Me not picking it up was my own fault for running away :P a few minor things such as that window break I don't think anyone will mind, its the 'getting stuck in a corner' error we hate but so far none of your games has this.  You might want to consider putting your games in too, I am the no1. player there too and the owners of this site always recommend good games for me to play on their site and I think yours would fly pretty well there (the tunky series especially).  And of course you have my full support.


My Body is so ready for this!!

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