Patch V1.2.0 | Christmas Update

Hello hello! I've got a new small update baked and ready to be eaten just in time for the Christmas season. Featuring a new set of enemy cosmetics, a new snowfall weather modifier for the Randomizer and more!

Added: Five new bonus enemies that you can purchase after unlocking 25 enemy cosmetics
Added: A new snow fall weather modifier that can appear in the Randomizer
Changed: Endless Mode will now set your enemy to a random character regardless if you're playing in the Randomizer or not
Fixed: A bug where the rain on Death Corn wasn't covering the whole map if you got the rain weather modifier in the Randomizer

And that's a wrap! Hope you dig this small update for the game. Wasn't anything super special, but thought it'd be a fun treat before the year ends. And speaking of the end of the year, It Is Coming will soon be celebrating it's one year anniversary on the 29th! YAY!!!


It Is Coming (V1.2.0 64 Bit).rar 776 MB
87 days ago

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